We present our Fresh Cornish Christmas fish box !!

Vac packed for your freezer !
The Fishermen of Newlyn have a holiday at Christmas too! So, there are no fish landings over the festival period. Therefore, we have put together this special Christmas fish box ready for your freezer. Order early for Christmas, we will send it to you over night in a Wool insulated recyclable box. All the fish will be vac packed ready for your freezer so you can use it whenever you want over the Christmas period. Order any time before 15th December.
This special box contains: –
250g Handpicked Newlyn Crabmeat. (Fresh – not pasteurized)
12 Hand cut plump Newlyn Scallops.
4 fillets of our own famous naturally smoked Haddock – No dyes! just naturally oak smoked Newlyn Haddock. Makes a great chowder!!
12 Large fresh Crevettes – ready to cook.
4 Large portions of top-grade Shetland Salmon.
4 Kipper fillets, naturally smoked for your breakfast!!
Order yours here !